Our Story

Switzerland, the heart of Europe and the most beautiful garden, is renowned as a mecca for scientific and medical beauty. The purest glaciers of the Alps have produced countless cold springs, and the passionate collision of the Eurasian tectonic plates has created countless boiling spas. This is a magical land where the fresh air is laced with the aroma of refreshing plants.

Swiss biotechnology, Alpine water, uncontaminated plants and organisms, clean air and fine craftsmanship have created a magical cosmetic brand - Benolemo! Like a graceful Alpine maiden, she was conceived in a pure, flawless world......

Over the years, Benolemo's founder has travelled to many countries, visited renowned dermatological institutes around the world and experienced the brand's range of products first-hand, and found that many people suffering from skin problems have a serious misconception about skin health - either by not taking care of their skin on a daily basis, or by using inappropriate or using inappropriate treatments, or even falling victim to hormones and heavy metal products.

Against this backdrop, the founders of Benolemo felt that "technology + botanical medicine" was the inevitable direction of the future, and that people's aspirations for quality skin care products, natural, pure, safe, effective and personalized, had become the mainstream demand, and so Benolemo was born.

From the simple exploration of natural herbal care to the innovative use of modern biotechnology, Benolemo continues to break through technical barriers and turn cutting-edge achievements into mature products, dedicated to bringing new and better health care options to users of different age groups suffering from skin problems.

Benolemo, with a deep understanding of skin health and wellness, has decided to integrate the world's most advanced technologies and skin health management concepts. Benolemo's vision of innovation and confidence in herbal remedies has given Benolemo its unique philosophy of "Botanical Extracts, Natural Remedies".

Supported by authoritative laboratories, Benolemo's team promotes the delicate fusion of botanical care and modern bio-repair, with original and differentiated core formulas, to create a highly effective skin health care experience with the dual repairing power of "botanical medicine + technology", according to the skin characteristics and common problems of people of all ages.

To ensure the effectiveness and safety of the formulations, Benolemo selects high quality botanicals from all over the world and uses bio-organic fermentation technology to extract natural extracts, which are purer and more easily absorbed. It is suitable for a wide range of skin types and meets the need for "natural repair".

Today Benolemo has a mature product development system and is at the forefront of the efficacious medical skin care industry. We believe that Benolemo will continue to expand its market in the future, and is committed to efficiently protecting the health of people's skin. In the future, Benolemo will continue to expand its market, and will be committed to the effective protection of people's skin health, while bringing more diversified choices for people's skin health, so that every consumer can use safe and reliable skin health care products!